Some parents would know that getting your baby to sleep can sometimes be a nightmare. The first few weeks are all over the place as you and your baby get to know each other and find a happy medium when it comes to sleeping patterns.
When my children were babies I found that giving them a nice warm bath, clean change of clothes and a nappy change helped a lot when preparing to get them to sleep. Babies can't tell you what is wrong so it is best to eliminate all possibilities before you give that one last feed. Once you have done all these things feed your baby. A lot of babies (if ready to go to sleep) will fall asleep towards the end of the feed, mouth open and slowly dropping their head back in a deep sleep. Some will still be restless and find it hard to get in that relaxed state. If the baby is still unsettled try pacing around the house for a while and humming as the vibrations in your chest relax your baby and put them to sleep.
There are plenty of old wives tales out there they say work wonders. All you can do is try everything as you get to know your baby and soon you will find what works best for you.
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