I myself have done things that has made my partner laugh more than what my children have. So here are my top 5 idea's on how to achieve that cute little sound that makes the sleepless nights and long tiring days feel worth it.
1. Play peek-a-boo with them. Babies under eight months of age have not developed object permanence, which means they don't understand that things continue to exist when out of their sight. This makes peek-a-boo endlessly hysterical. Take turns hiding yourself, the baby and a toy under a blanket.
2. Find your inner impressionist. Once your baby knows your voice, they love to hear an imitation come from your mouth.
3. Get older children in on the game. Preschool and grade school children still share a baby's irreverent sense of humor and enjoy being the center of a baby's attention. If the baby is crawling, a child can crawl alongside and have a turtle race. Babies also find delight in young children's squeaky voices.
4. Blow raspberries on their tummy and tickle their toes. Gentle tickles never lose their laugh appeal. Just follow the baby's body language, because they can't tell you when they have had enough.
5. Introduce the baby to the world of pretend. Build a small tower of blocks and then demolish the structure with baby's toy vehicle or the traditional imaginary conversation on the toy phone.
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